Wednesday, September 22, 2010

NCAA vs NFL Who You Got?

I have been in this debate numerous times lately, so I figured I'd bring it to the blog to see what people thought. What do you enjoy more: NCAA Football vs the NFL. My answer: NFL. Hands down.

My biggest problem with the NCAA is there's no true 'champion.' Every year from Day 1 you hear about which team will get screwed out of a chance to play for the National Championship. This year, it will be Boise State, last year it was TCU and so on. Until the NCAA instutes a playoff, at least 8 teams, I will always firmly believe there is never a true champion.

On top of that you have about 40 teams/schools who can claim to be a champion of something - do you really feel proud walking around saying your team won the Papa John's Bowl? Compared to the NFL where the only champions you can say are division -if you're really proud of that you belong in the Cincinnati Bengals fanship - conference and then the Super Bowl. That's it, there's no random December 18th game to decide the champion of some game.

Another advantage I feel the NFL has is NCAA 'contenders' will pad their non-conference schedule and essentially waltz their way to their respective conference schedule in order to maintain that BCS Bowl berth. While teams like the Lions, Browns, Rams and Bills suck terrible wind, they always have a fighting chance in the game they are playing. Ohio U will lose to Ohio State 100 out of 100 times - unless the two mascots go at it in the end zone, then my money is on Rufus.

And just like that game, the NFL trumps the NCAA in my book 100 out of 100 times.

So, who do you got? The NCAA or NFL?


Dan Howarth said...

Everyone talks about Boise St getting screwed this year. What about TCU? I know that Boise St beat them last year in the Fiesta Bowl in the BCS game no one watched. But that game was dead even. And then this year they have beaten down two BCS schools already this season.

Bobby Reagan said...

My point exactly. There are too many teams that get left out. I just used Boise State as the example for this year.

Unknown said...

Rufus the bobcat is the Dean Portman of college mascots.

Randy said...

If you value excitement over substance, I could see why one would enjoy NCAA over NFL. If fluky big plays impresses you more than linebackers that can run a 4.40, then I can see why college is for you.

The other big argument for NCAA is that NFL players are overpaid thus the NCAA players are trying harder. I don't know that this is necessarily true. You don't get to the NFL level and last without elite effort. MAYBE you can get by in the NBA if your a natural specimen like Lebron or Durant, but to say NFL players had their livelyhoods handed to them on a silver platter is atleast a generalization.

One advantage I'd give to NCAA is the crowd atmosphere. Although the UK game I went to doesn't do my point any justice, it simply has to be more boisterous on average than the watered down white collared NFL environments.

Sam said...

The NCAA is gaining ground with me lately. I have always loved college but recently I feel myself caring more for no apparent reason other than like Randy said, you get a better feeling with the NCAA. When a NFL player celebrates a huge hit after the opposing player gains 7 yards to me means they only care for that hit going on their resume rather than what's at stake. Which is why I agree with Bill Simmons when he said all sports contracts should be more incentives based so dickholes like Braylon-I-hit-golf-balls-at-your-old-house Edwards can't take games off.

Another reason to not like the NFL is nowadays too many people jump on the bandwagon for media related reasons combined with living in bumbfuck egypt. I mean how many people have you met that say well I'm a Saints fan, or Pittsburgh gets me wet? I understand people like Pittsburgh because they are close but undedicated fucks that float around are rarley seen in the college game. I haven't been to another NFL stadium besides Cleveland but I hear stories and I thank god everyday that Randy can fling piss covered towels and nobody complains.

-And yes I wrote this while listening to Whitesnake In the still of the night.