Most everyone that is a college sports fan is familar with Tim Brando. He does play-by-play for Raycom/JP/LF sports for ACC and SEC basketball along with hosting the CBS College Football Halftime show. He also gets to call ACC Sunday Night Hoops on Fox Sports. He is generally regarded as one of the best announcers in the business. The reason why I like him so much is due to his catch phrase, "the iron unkind" that he uses whenever a key shot gets an unfriendly roll off the rim. I now use it with annoying regularity during beer pong games whenever my opponent bricks a shot.
For the 2008 SEC tournament our 3 on 3 intramural team got invited to play in the SEC 3 on 3 challenge. We got put up with a free hotel and tickets to the SEC tournament down in Atlanta along with playing in the tournament. We were sitting in the upper deck when this occurred...
Well anyways the UK-Georgia game got rescheduled for the next day on Georgia Tech's campus. We finagled our way into that game as three of the 1000 people there. At halftime, Tim Brando went to go to the concession at the same time we did. I was standing next to him and I could not resist telling him about how he has impacted my beer pong career. After introducing myself we had this interaction.
Me: "Mr Brando, I would just like to tell you that your phrase, 'iron unkind' is my most popular line for a missed shot in beer pong."
He does a double take and has a hearty chuckle and says, "Well, I am just glad I can make a contribution to the culture."
We soon parted ways but I have no doubt that everytime he utters that phrase on tv he has to think about all the people in Lexington and Bay Village, OH that have been so pissed off hearing that phrase as they lose to me in beer pong.
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